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What Can You Mix Protein Powder With

What Can You Mix Protein Powder With (11 Effective Options)

There’s a huge range of protein powders available these days. 

They come in different types depending on what the protein source is, such as whether it’s from plants (like soybeans, peas, or hemp), milk (such as casein or whey), or eggs.

Once you’ve decided what kind of powder you want to use, the next thing to think about is what you should mix your protein powder with as not every type of protein powder will mix the same. 

There are many different options for what you can mix protein powder with and what you choose will depend on what your goals are.

For example, if you’re looking to add bulk then chocolate milk or full fat cow’s milk are the best options. If, however, you want to consume as few calories as possible then water and almond milk are a better choice.

It will also depend on what your personal preferences are as each option has a different texture and taste.

Here I’ve gone through 11 effective options for what you can mix protein powder with, including their pros and cons, so that you can decide which is best for you!

What Can You Mix Protein Powder With

1. Chocolate Milk

So, we’ll start with what is probably one of the highest calorie options on this list: chocolate milk.

Chocolate milk is simply milk of any kind with cocoa powder added. As a result of the cocoa powder, chocolate milk is higher in calories than plain milk. It’s also higher in sugar and fat.

Due to its high calorie content, chocolate milk is great to mix protein powder with if you’re looking to increase your calorie intake whilst bulking, as you’re adding a lot to your daily intake in just one drink.

Another benefit of chocolate milk is that it tastes good. As I mentioned, chocolate milk has a high sugar content and when it’s mixed with protein powder it has a milkshake-like texture and taste. So this will satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth!

As it’s like drinking a milkshake, chocolate milk is also very filling. This makes it a great snack or meal replacement, as it will leave you feeling fuller for longer.

2. Cow’s Milk

Full fat cow’s milk is another high calorie option that you can mix protein powder with and it’s arguably the most popular option.

Milk is high in protein, providing 1 gram in each 30 mL/1 fluid ounce. This makes it a great choice if you’re looking to maximize your protein intake.

Related – Is milk good for bulking

In comparison to chocolate milk, cow’s milk is lower in its sugar content. So if you’re looking to reduce your sugar intake, then plain milk is a better option than chocolate milk.

When it comes to fat and calorie content, plain milk varies depending on what fat percentage milk you go for. Those with higher fat percentages are higher in calories. So you can choose between higher and lower calorie options depending on what your calorie target is.

When mixed with protein powder, cow’s milk has a thick consistency and a creamy taste. This thick consistency makes it very filling, so it will keep you feeling full afterwards. 

As it will keep you feeling fuller for longer, plain milk is a great choice for in-between meals or as a meal replacement.

The only downside is that cow’s milk isn’t suitable for those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy, or those following a vegan diet, so let’s look at some milk alternatives.

3. Soy Milk

When it comes to milk alternatives, soy milk is one of the most popular on the market today.

Soy milk is made from soybeans. This makes it a great alternative for those who can’t or don’t want to consume cow’s milk.

When it’s mixed with protein powder, soy milk has a thick consistency, so it can help you feel fuller for longer.

Soy milk is nutritionally similar to cow’s milk and is a great source of protein and key nutrients. It’s also lower in calories and fat than cow’s milk. 

As it’s lower in calories, this makes it an ideal choice if you’re looking to reduce your calorie intake. 

Although the calorie content does vary depending on the type of soy milk you’re consuming, specifically whether it’s sweetened or unsweetened.

Unsweetened soy milk is lower in calories than sweetened as it doesn’t contain extra sugars. However, the flavor may not be as nice. If you’re looking to improve the taste, soy milk can be mixed with a flavored protein powder.

Sweetened soy milk on the other hand generally tastes better as it contains extra sugars, though this does make it higher in calories too.

However, these extra sugars can come in handy if you’re having your protein powder before a workout as they can provide a big boost in energy!

4. Almond Milk

Another popular milk alternative is almond milk. Almond milk is made from ground almond nuts, so it’s a great choice for those looking to avoid consuming cow’s milk.

As with soy milk and cow’s milk, almond milk has a creamy texture when it’s mixed with protein powder. As a result, it will leave you feeling fuller for longer afterwards.

In comparison to soy milk, almond milk is slightly lower in its protein content. However, almond milk is the lowest in calories at around 40 calories per eight-ounce/1 cup.

This makes almond milk an ideal choice if you’re looking to cut your calorie consumption, especially if you go for the unsweetened option. 

However, if you’re looking for an extra boost of energy then the sweetened almond milk is higher in carbs and sugar. This makes it ideal if you’re about to do a workout.

5. Apple Juice 

Another option to mix protein powder with is apple juice. By apple juice I mean juice made from apples, not apple flavored juice!

Mixing protein powder with apple juice also provides one of your 5-a-day as well as other health benefits. It’s also low in calories at around 46 calories per 100 grams. This makes it ideal if you’re looking to cut down on your calorie intake.

In comparison to other options like milk and water, apple juice also has a strong flavor so it’s ideal to mix with unflavored protein powder because it will provide a strong taste – just don’t mix it with flavored protein powder as it won’t taste good!

Apple juice is a great option to mix protein powder with before a workout because it’s high in natural sugars and carbohydrates. As a result, it provides a boost in energy which can help you to maximize your workout.

When mixed with protein powder, apple juice doesn’t have a thick consistency, so won’t leave you feeling full or bloated in the same way a thick shake would.

6. Orange Juice

Another fruit juice you can mix protein powder with is orange juice.

Like apple juice, orange juice is one of your 5-a-day and contains plenty of vitamins and nutrients. This makes it a great option for anyone who is health-conscious.

Orange juice is also low in calories at 45 calories per 100 grams. This makes it ideal if you’re trying to cut down on your calorie consumption.

Another benefit of orange juice is that it contains natural sugars and carbohydrates. So it can provide a natural boost in energy which like apple juice makes it good to use just before a workout.

When mixed with protein powder, orange juice doesn’t have a thick consistency. Again, this makes it ideal before a workout if you don’t want to feel bloated or full.

Orange juice also packs a lot of flavor. As it’s a strong flavor I’d recommend mixing it with unflavored protein powder as it may taste badly if mixed with a flavored pack.

7. Energy Drinks

If you’re looking to boost your energy levels, then you can mix protein powder with an energy drink.

Energy drinks are known for containing high levels of stimulants like caffeine. As a result, they can provide a big kick in energy levels. This makes them ideal just before a workout if you want a significant boost.

Like apple juice and orange juice, energy drinks aren’t filling like a heavy milk-based shake would be. 

Again, this makes them a good option just before working out as you shouldn’t feel bloated. 

In terms of their calorie and sugar content, energy drinks vary significantly depending on which type you buy. I’d recommend going for one that matches your goals. For example, if you’re cutting then go for one that’s low in calories.

They also come in a variety of flavors, so it should be easy to find one with a taste that you like.

8. Coffee

Coffee is a go-to for many people in the morning. But it can also be used to mix protein powder.

When mixed with protein powder, coffee has a slightly thicker consistency. It works great with complementary flavors in protein powder, such as vanilla or caramel. 

Black coffee, or coffee without milk, is low in calories. Coffee has also been linked to weight loss. So coffee is a good choice if you’re cutting your calorie consumption.

Like energy drinks, coffee contains caffeine but typically in a lower dose. So coffee provides a boost in energy, but without the same risk of side effects like shaking and insomnia that high amounts of stimulants can cause.

It’s also a great option for those who skip breakfast, as you’re still able to get your protein intake.

9. Water

The lowest calorie option for what you can mix protein powder with is water.

As water contains 0 calories, it’s the best option if you’re looking to cut your calorie intake.

Water is also a great option if you don’t want something that’s filling. Mixing protein powder with water shouldn’t leave you feeling bloated or full afterwards.

As water doesn’t have any flavor, my recommendation would be to get a flavor of protein powder that you like. This way you can incorporate a flavor that you like into the drink.

For flavored protein it would always be best to mix with either water or any type of milk and this is usually the recommended serving suggestion by most brands. 

10. Oatmeal

So far, I’ve focused on different drinks that you can mix your protein powder with. But another option is to mix protein powder with food.

One way to do this is to mix your protein powder into oatmeal. You may have already come across this mix before as the fitness community often refer to this as proats (protein-oats).

As it’s made from oats, oatmeal is high in protein at around 2.4 g of protein per 100 grams. This makes them a great choice if you’re looking to maximize your protein intake.

They’re also high in fiber, which makes oats very filling. 

You can add unflavored protein powder to oatmeal, or incorporate a flavor that you like if you want to add a different taste.

You can also add different things to oatmeal such as syrups and peanut butter if you want to increase the calorie content, or fruits if you want to add extra nutrients.

Mixing protein powder with oats is one of the best ways (in our experience) to make a high calorie shake and they are ideal for those that have a low appetite and are trying to bulk up or for anyone that suffers from bloating with big meals.

Related – Oats for bulking

11. Yogurt

Another option is yogurt. Yogurt is typically made from cow’s milk, but there are alternative’s using lactose-free milk and milk-alternatives like soy.

Yogurt is high in protein at around 12 g per 8 ounces/227 grams. As with oatmeal, this makes it a great option if you want to increase your protein intake.

It also contains plenty of other vitamins and nutrients, so is a healthy option for mixing protein powder with.

The great thing about yogurt is that you can have it with extra toppings for breakfast, or have it as a snack or late evening, macro-friendly dessert. 

In terms of calorie content, yogurt varies depending on what kind of milk it’s made from as well as whether it contains added sugars. If you’re looking for a low calorie option then it’s best to go for those with low fat percentages and those without added sugars.

Like oatmeal, yogurt is versatile. If you’re looking to add flavor then incorporate a flavored protein powder.

You can also add toppings like granola, fruit, or syrup if you’re looking to boost your calorie intake.