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Why Do Some People Hate Working Out Featured Image

Why Do Some People Hate Working Out? 7 Reason You Hate Exercising

Physical fitness and regular exercise are widely recognized as essential components of a healthy lifestyle, and they have plenty of benefits for both mental and physical health.

For many individuals, hitting the gym or engaging in physical activities is an enjoyable and rewarding experience that contributes to their overall well being.

However, there is a significant amount of people who hate working out, finding exercise to be a daunting and unappealing task.

The reasons for this vary from person to person, but some of the main reasons include negative past experiences, lack of enjoyment, and fears around judgment.

As I’ll go on to discuss, these are just some of the reasons why people hate working out, and there are many more.

Why Do Some People Hate Working Out

Some people hate exercising. 7 reasons why people hate exercising include:

  1. Negative past experiences
  2. Lack of enjoyment
  3. Fear of judgment or body image concerns
  4. Lack of time and busy lifestyle
  5. Lack of motivation and accountability
  6. Physical discomfort or health issues
  7. Feeling intimidated or lacking knowledge

In the following sections, I’ll expand on each of these 7 reasons to unpack some of the main reasons why people hate working out.

See also – Why people hate going to the gym

1. Negative Past Experiences

One of the main reasons you might hate exercising is because of negative past experiences.

Negative past experiences with exercise can leave lasting impressions that deter people from attempting to work out again.

For many, these experiences originate from gym classes during their school years.

Memories of being picked last for sports teams, experiencing humiliation due to perceived lack of athletic ability, or being subjected to harsh criticism from teachers or peers can create deep-seated aversions to physical activity.

Negative experiences can also be the result of injuries. Past injuries sustained during exercise can lead to fear and anxiety about working out again.

Whether it was a sprained ankle during a game of soccer or a strain from lifting weights incorrectly, such incidents can leave people feeling vulnerable and reluctant to engage in activities that might put them at risk of injury once more.

To address this issue, it is crucial to create a safe and non-judgmental exercise environment.

This can involve engaging with supportive fitness professionals and instructors that prioritize empathy and encouragement, focusing on your individual progress, rather than comparing you to others.

Also, incorporating a range of different exercise options can help you to find an activity that you enjoy and suits your preferences, reducing the likelihood of future injury or negative experiences.

2. Lack of Enjoyment

Another reason you may hate exercising is because you don’t enjoy it.

Traditional forms of exercise, such as running on a treadmill or lifting weights, may not resonate with everyone.

The monotony of repetitive movements or the feeling of being confined to the gym may not appeal to those seeking more dynamic and engaging activities.

Exercising can also be strenuous and difficult, especially if people push themselves. Many people start exercising with ambitious ideas and as a result push themselves too far.

Overcoming this lack of enjoyment involves finding exercises that align with your interests and passions.

The key is to explore various forms of physical activity until a particular activity sparks joy and enthusiasm.

Whether it’s dancing, swimming, hiking, or playing a team sport, finding pleasure in exercise can transform it from a chore into an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

The good news is that there are plenty of different options to choose from.

To enjoy exercising people should also start off slowly. Instead of trying to run 5 miles on your first run, try a light jog and build up over time.

Starting slowly and building up gradually means that it’s less difficult and more enjoyable.

3. Fear of Judgment or Body Image Concerns

You may also hate exercising due to fear of judgment or due to body image worries.

The fear of judgment, particularly concerning body image, is a powerful deterrent for many people who dislike working out.

Societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards often lead people to feel self-conscious about their appearance and fitness level.

As a result, they may avoid exercising in public spaces like gyms or fitness classes due to the fear of being judged or ridiculed.

Addressing worries about body image and fears of judgment involves shifting your thinking about fitness culture.

Instead of following accounts on social media that promote unrealistic standards, consider following those that promote body positivity and inclusivity, celebrating diversity in exercising.

Also try looking for classes that promote this too. Exercising in a non-judgmental space can help to alleviate worries and make working out more enjoyable.

One key trick to this can be to get a training partner when you first start going to the gym. This will help to create a comfortable training atmosphere while you develop your training routine.

By fostering an environment of acceptance and appreciation for all body types, people can feel more confident and comfortable engaging in physical activity without fear of judgment.

Further, developing a positive body image and self-compassion is essential. Instead of focusing solely on the benefits of exercise for physical appearance, think about the health benefits of exercise.

This can foster a healthier relationship with physical activity and personal body image.

4. Lack of Time and Busy Lifestyle

Another reason you may hate exercise is because you don’t have time for it.

The demands of modern life, such as work, family commitments, and social obligations, can leave little time for regular exercise.

Many individuals struggle to prioritize their fitness even if they want to.

This lack of time can lead to feelings of guilt and frustration when you don’t workout, further contributing to a negative view of exercise.

To overcome this challenge, it is essential to reframe the notion of exercise as an integral part of overall well-being rather than an optional activity.

Finding small pockets of time throughout the day to incorporate physical activity can make a significant difference.

Short bursts of exercise, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing quick bodyweight exercises during breaks, can add up and contribute to overall fitness.

Additionally, time management skills play a crucial role in carving out dedicated workout time. Prioritizing exercise as a non-negotiable aspect of daily life can lead to more consistent and sustainable fitness routines.

5. Lack of Motivation and Accountability

You may also hate exercising because you don’t have the motivation for it, making it feel like a chore.

Ironically, this is one of the main reasons why you should go to the gym! Everyone starts from ground zero but going to the gym and working out creates the initial motivation loop and habit.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine requires consistent motivation and accountability. For some people, finding the internal drive to work out can be a significant challenge.

Without external sources of motivation or accountability, it becomes easy to skip workouts and lose focus on fitness goals.

To combat this issue, you could seek support from workout buddies (like I mentioned earlier) or join group exercise classes.

The community and shared sense of responsibility can be powerful motivators, making it more enjoyable and fulfilling to engage in physical activity.

Setting realistic and achievable fitness goals is another effective way to stay motivated. 

Celebrating small victories and milestones along the fitness journey can boost morale and provide the motivation needed to keep pushing forward.

6. Physical Discomfort or Health Issues

Another reason you might hate working out is because it causes physical discomfort, or you have an underlying health issue.

Physical discomfort or underlying health issues can be a significant deterrent to exercising. Chronic pain, joint problems, or other medical conditions may limit certain activities and create a barrier to adopting a regular exercise routine.

If certain exercises cause physical discomfort or pain, it’s understandable that people would avoid them or hate doing them.

In such cases, it is important for you to consult with healthcare professionals or fitness experts to find suitable exercises that accommodate specific health conditions.

Low-impact activities, such as swimming or yoga, are often recommended for individuals with physical limitations, as they provide gentle yet effective forms of exercise.

Moreover, proper warm-up and cool-down routines, as well as regular stretching, can help reduce discomfort and prevent injuries during exercise.

Understanding your physical limitations and finding appropriate modifications for exercises can allow individuals to engage in physical activity comfortably and safely.

7. Feeling Intimidated or Lacking Knowledge

If you’re new to exercise or the gym environment, feelings of intimidation can be overwhelming.

The amount of equipment, unfamiliar exercises, and the perception of being surrounded by experienced fitness enthusiasts can lead to a sense of inadequacy and reluctance to participate.

To address this barrier, it is important for you to get guidance.

Fitness professionals can provide orientation sessions to introduce people to the gym layout, explain how to use equipment properly, and demonstrate basic exercises.

This kind of introduction can reduce feelings of intimidation and help you learn how to exercise correctly in ways that reduce the risk of injury.

Group classes for beginners can also create a supportive and welcoming atmosphere, allowing people to learn together and build confidence.

Some fitness facilities also have designated inclusive spaces that cater to individuals of all fitness levels, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and encouraged to pursue their fitness goals.

It’s important to remember that everyone is a beginner at some point. Even experienced fitness professionals were once new to workouts.

Getting to grips with exercising takes time, but provides plenty of benefits that make it worth it.


Negative past experiences, lack of enjoyment, fear of judgment, body image concerns, lack of time, motivation, physical discomfort, and intimidation can all contribute to a hatred of exercise.

Overcoming this hatred involves shifting your mindset about fitness, seeing it as an important part of our health, rather than seeing exercise as a chore.

It also involves finding exercises that make you feel comfortable and that you enjoy doing, as well as a supportive space in which you can workout without fear of judgment.

You might hate (or think you hate) working out but check out our article on why working out is actually a great hobby and something you should consider including in your everyday schedule.

Finally, If you want to know more about hating exercise, as well as ways to overcome it, check out this video: