Losing fat is a key goal for many people. There are a variety of products on the market which claim to help speed up fat loss and one of these products is fat burners.
A common question is whether fat burners are diuretics – meaning that they cause water loss from the body through increased urination.
Fat burners can be diuretics.
Fat burners often contain caffeine, which has been shown to have a diuretic effect on the body. Fat burners that don’t contain caffeine can also be diuretics if they contain thermogenic ingredients like green tea and capsaicin.
However, it’s important to know how diuretics can influence fat loss, including whether they’ll deliver long-term results, as I’ll go on to explain.
What you’ll learn from reading this article:
- What diuretics are
- If diuretics cause weight loss
- If fat burners are diuretics
- If thermogenics are diuretics
What Is a Diuretic?
Diuretics come in different forms and work in different ways. They cause a person to urinate more often, leading to more water loss from the body. For this reason, they’re sometimes known as ‘water pills.’
They are most commonly used to treat medical conditions like high blood pressure or edema.
But they can also be used by those looking to lose weight. This is because when a human body retains water, they’re ultimately heavier. When water is lost from cells, individual’s lose weight and can also look leaner.
Do Diuretics Cause Weight Loss?
Diuretics cause weight loss through water loss. As an individual urinates more, they lose water.
It’s important to know though, weight loss from water loss isn’t permanent. When water consumption increases, weight loss from the diuretics will be reversed.
The bottom line is: “Diuretics don’t cause fat loss, and they don’t cause permanent weight loss”.
Diuretics can also cause serious side effects.
Increased urination doesn’t only cause water loss but can also cause the loss of important electrolytes. In this way, diuretics can have a negative impact on body chemistry.
This is why it’s often recommended that people use diuretics under medical supervision.
Additionally, diuretics can cause dehydration particularly if people don’t increase their water intake when using them.
Dehydration can cause serious health issues. Also, when people are dehydrated their metabolism can slow down, resulting in fewer calories being burned. As a result, diuretics can have the opposite effect on weight loss.
Diuretics can also cause muscle cramps. This can cause difficulty when exercising, which is also going to have a negative impact on weight loss.
Are Fat Burners Diuretics?
Fat burners can be diuretics. This is because fat burners often contain high doses of caffeine. As a stimulant, caffeine has a diuretic effect on the body leading to more frequent urination and water loss.
Fat burners often contain caffeine.
Caffeine is a stimulant. It’s common to have high doses of caffeine in fat burners as increased caffeine consumption has been shown to increase people’s metabolic rates.
A person’s metabolic rate is how many calories they burn each day. It varies from person to person depending on factors like age, gender, and activity level.
Caffeine consumption has been shown to increase people’s metabolisms and lead to more calories being burned. It can also give people extra energy for workouts. So it’s not surprising that it’s found in fat burners.
As it’s a stimulant, caffeine also causes more frequent urination. As a result, caffeine has a diuretic effect on the body.
However, not all fat burners contain caffeine. Those without stimulants are typically called ‘stimulant free’ or ‘stim free’ fat burners.
As they don’t contain stimulants, these kinds of fat burners may not have a diuretic effect. Though, they may contain other ingredients which are diuretics.
For example, stimulant free fat burners can have a diuretic effect if they contain ingredients which affect thermogenesis, as I’ll explain in the next section.
Are Thermogenics Diuretics?
Thermogenesis is a process in the body that causes calories to be burned by generating heat.
Essentially, when the body’s temperature is increased, calories are burned to bring the temperature back down again.
This process can increase fat loss, as it involves burning additional calories.
Thermogenic ingredients are common in fat burners as they’ve been shown to boost people’s metabolisms, leading to more calories being burned.
While fat burners are a type of thermogenic that are other supplements like CLA or L-Carnitine which are common alternatives to “traditional” fat burners.
Common thermogenic ingredients include caffeine, green tea, and capsaicin. These ingredients are common in fat burners, with green tea and capsaicin common in stimulant free fat burners in particular.
Thermogenics are known to have a mildly diuretic effect on the body.
This means that they can lead to increased urination, and water loss, when taking them. Therefore, if a fat burner contains these ingredients, it can have a diuretic effect when taking it.
This is why it’s often recommended that people increase their water intake when consuming thermogenics to compensate for water being lost.
If you want to find out more about fat burners, check out this video:
If your starting to take more fat burner supplements and need a bit more guidance then it’s worth checking out the following:
Finally, as always this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or a recommendation. Before taking supplements consult with a medical professional first.